Open Source Contributions
Academic Projects
Implemented ray casting based direct volume renderer to visualize 3D volume data. Scalar field values were mappedto color and opacity using interactive transfer functions. Main application area of volume rendering is medicalimaging where volume data is obtained from X-ray, CT scans, PET scans etc.
Investigated, identified and implemented effective and intuitive visualizations of security analytics, ensuring that the enterprise security incident response teams can not only consume the security analytics results, but also make better informed decisions with regard to its correctness and criticality.
Implemented an absolute minimal Kernel, to understand the basic functionality of how Kernels are developed, build, linked and loaded into the memory. Also wrote drivers for video display manipulation, interrupt handler and a programmable interval timer.
Plagiarism is a serious issue in computer science courses involving assessment of programming assignments. The electronic nature of these assignments means copying others’ work is very easy, and the lack of variation between legitimately independent solutions makes the detection of plagiarized solutions difficult. We implemented augmented Suffix Tree data structure for checking the plagiarism in the codes submitted to various professors at IIITB. Given a set of programming assignments, this implementation checks for the plagiarism among all the files and generates a detailed report of the copied code along with the file names.
Implemented an interactive program that allows the editing and rendering of a mesh surface. The surface is refined through successive subdivision using a standard subdivision scheme. User will be able to edit the shape of the surface by dragging “control points” of the surface.
Implemented a program to simulate the motion of an articulated robot that moves blocks from one conveyor belt to another. Objects were modelled as logical hierarchical structures and a custom scenegraph was implemented in the process. Simple forward kinematics was used to animate the robot.
Implemented an automated traffic signal, which controlled the lights on the basis of traffic analysis, automatically. This system takes into consideration the amount of traffic on each side at a particular instant, unlike the existing system which has a fixed amount of time allocated for a side, based on one time initial calculations.
Hobby Projects
Implemented an educational games suite for 8-15 age group, to help them learn about energy saving. Games comprised of ’Power Sudoku’, ’Bulb Buster’, ’Smart Buyer’.